Lifestyle Facebook Profiles
There is a debate going around lifestyle circles these days. It is regarding the use of personal vs Lifestyle Facebook profiles in private lifestyle groups.
About five years ago, Facebook was using facial recognition to connect people without your permission. That is a scary proposition for our secret society. The scarier part, no one knew it was happening. All of a sudden, vanilla friends started showing up as “people you may know” and you can bet your profile started show up on theirs. Because of a massive lawsuit, Facebook throughly explains how they use Face Recognition now.
When this setting is on:
We can notify you about photos you're in but haven't been tagged in.
We can help protect against someone using your photo to impersonate you.
We can tell people with visual impairments when you're in a photo or video through a screen reader.How Facebook Uses Face Recognition
If you turn this setting on, we'll create your face recognition template and use it in the following types of ways:
Find photos and video you're in so we can help you review or share content, suggest tags, and provide more relevant content and feature recommendations.
Help protect you and others from impersonation and identity misuse, and improve platform reliability.
Provide accessibility features by telling people with visual impairments who's in a photo or video.
So, the question is, should you have a lifestyle Facebook profile. Only you can answer that question.
Here are some things to consider:
What would happen if your family found out you are a ‘Swinger’. Thanksgiving dinners will be a little uncomfortable. LOL
Your friends or coworkers may find out what you’re doing on the weekends and are against it. oh shit! But …maybe they will want to join. wink-wink
People have every right to voice their political opinions on their personal page. …but the LS world is supposed to be about flirty, sexy fun. So, did that HOT couple you are planning to connect with, just get turned OFF by your recent rant?
This is what we do…
We have our own personal/vanilla profiles. And we have our Lifestyle profile to connect with like-minded people. We keep the two worlds separated. We do not want the STREAMS to CROSS, because that would be very, very BAD.
Many of our members have already created a separate FB profile for their Lifestyle world. But this is what the LS is all about – the right to your own personal preferences.
If you forgot how to create another Facebook profile, here’s a reminder.
Sign out of Facebook and get to this screen. Select Create New Account.
If you are a couple, consider first names only like [First name] Dfit [last name] Sfit LS. If you don’t have a lifestyle email, go get one and come back.
From here, set your privacy settings. We recommend these key ones…
Who can see your future posts? FRIENDS
Limit the audience for posts you’ve shared…LIMIT PAST POSTS
Who can see the people, Pages and list you follow? ONLY ME
Who can see your friends list? ONLY ME
Who can look you up using the email address you provided? ONLY ME
Who can look you up using the phone number you provided? ONLY ME
Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile? NO
Turn on Face Recognition (If you ever put your face in a private group and someone copies it and tries to out you, you will be notified)
Allow others to share your posts to their stories? OFF
Remember, this is what WE do. Your experience may differ.
The idea is to be safe. And to keep it sexy and FUN.
FNO aka ~P